Scanning Venus
see her microscopic
inside soft-stone skin
particles of rust
grains of oolite
shatters of shells
under her heart
uncover her secret
foetal fragments
held inside her
monolithic smallness
never living
never lost
Louise Longson has been widely published both in print and online since starting to write poetry ‘with intent’ in 2020. She is the author of the chapbooks Hanging Fire (Dreich Publications, 2021) and Songs from the Witch Bottle (Alien Buddha Press, 2022). She works from her home in a small rural village on the fringes of Oxfordshire and Gloucestershire offering a listening service to people whose physical and emotional distress is caused by loneliness and historic trauma. Her poems are inspired by bringing together her personal and work experiences, often seen through the twin prisms of myth and nature. Twitter @LouisePoetical