Poem for Sophie
Moon! Moon! she says. Touch! Her little hands reach up
and we laugh… It is impossible – too far away, we say,
our voices echoing in the dusk.
Moon! Moon! she says. Touch moon!
And even when we show her,
balanced on Mum’s shoulders,
hands outstretched, still
she reaches for the moon.
Rachel Carney
Rachel Carney has had poems published in several magazines including Ink Sweat and Tears, The New Welsh Review, andAcumen. One of her poems was shortlisted for the Bridport Prize. She has also written articles and reviews for magazines, and is currently completing a PhD in Creative and Critical Writing. She blogs at www.createdtoread.com
Twitter @CreatedtoRead
Hi Rachel - love this, check out my poem Moon Boy in the 2nd Feb issue of dust when I took my little boy to see the moon too! x