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You are more of a poet at five than I will ever be by Victoria Spires

You are more of a poet at five than I will ever be


Autumn brings us these gifts

of Saturday morning bike

rides, following your wobbling

path past geese, and single-minded

bees. We sit by water's edge,

warmed by the late splash of

sun, spilling pastry crumbs,

idle chatter from our smiling

mouths, watching paddlers

in their rainbow of stretched

ellipses. Still hungry, we step

into the cafe's hum, and the vinyl

floor is shot through with

flecks of gold, glittering

for all they're worth under sudden

fluorescence. Look, you say, look,

it's like we're stepping on angels - 

Victoria Spires’ poems scribble in the margins of remembered philosophies, overheard ideas, nature, motherhood and desire. Her work has been featured or is forthcoming in various publications including The Winged Moon, Berlin Lit, and Suburban Witchcraft. She was commended in the Ledbury Poetry Competition 2024 and shortlisted for the Aesthetica Arts Creative Writing Award. She is also a contributing editor at The Winged Moon.


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