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stop gifting me bookmarks by Eugenia Pozas

stop gifting me bookmarks

they are beautiful but i don't use them.

sometimes i toss coins in between pages,

wishing on wells of words.

other times i tuck tickets

in there, and the voices halt

with the force of a freight train.

and yes, i fold the corners too,

leashing my dog-eared,

loyal companions to my hip.

once, i left a book at the airport.

i like to imagine someone

- a librarian, a daughter -

picking it up and smiling

at a maple leaf plaited inside

with the same mischief of two little brothers

playing hide and seek in the forest,

and screaming when they at last find each other.

Eugenia Pozas is a bilingual writer based in Monterrey, Mexico. Her first poetry collection in Spanish - Náufragos (Castaways) - was published in 2022 with 42 Líneas. Her poetry has been published or is forthcoming in SIEVA Magazine, Augurios y Pesares, Kaleidotrope, Sontag Mag, and Crowstep Journal. You can find her on Instagram and X as @eugepozas.


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