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Love Begins Off the Record by Meredith MacLeod Davidson

Love Begins Off the Record

Be memorial. Make this

drawn, a digital layout,

make outs, anime stills &

the phone shots of that

snakeskin, stickshaped

in the sand off our

riverwalk & my hand

around your hand around

candle waxwet in her hand

drawn again, bad, with a snake

head bc... I sought clout

see so horologically I knew

the way to identify he (but do

u?) – hint: it’ll be about a a

a week after we started up

but all the drugs blur the

timeline and Michael is a

very common name, &

men & isles & saints &

so on & on so u would

n’t quite know would u

if my love began in the

late or early part of the

month made by diary

marks my love being

the one! 2nd or one

later – indistinguishable.

Meredith MacLeod Davidson is a poet and writer from Virginia, currently based in Scotland, where she earned an MLitt in Creative Writing from the University of Glasgow. Meredith's poetry is published or forthcoming in The London Magazine, Puerto del Sol, Cream City Review, Propel Magazine, The Boiler, Gutter, and elsewhere. 


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