Jun 4, 2022

Make it sweet by Adam Stokell

Make it sweet

Haematologist likens the tumour under my tongue

to a chick pea

Give us a call when it gets serious

A Brussels sprout?

Worry wart

fretting outside on a white plastic chair

surrounded by callistemons in bloom

German wasps


rave among the crimson bristles

Worry honey it’s happy hour

where are all the bees?

Dear google how many people

per year die from wasp stings?

Surrounded by tigers

I stick out a sore thumb

dressed in red

on a chair white with sleepless nights

Note towards a shopping list

pomegranate syrup

jars of strawberry jam

Adam Stokell’s poems have appeared in various journals, including Cordite, Meanjin,

Plumwood Mountain, Communion Arts Journal and Meniscus. His first poetry collection,

Peopling The Dirt Patch (A Published Event, 2018), formed part of The People’s Library

exhibit at the Long Gallery, Salamanca. He lives in Hobart, Tasmania.